Cajun shrimp and grits

IMG_1247It’s tough for me to think of non-traditional breakfast foods to make for The Mister. It is rare that he is in the mood for pancakes or omelets, although he does enjoy breakfast potatoes – a lot.

We decided to have an at-home brunch date after a busy week with little time to really sit down and talk. He made the coffee and stopped by the grocery store for grits the night before. I cooked them up – cheesy and gooey and delicious – and topped them with spicy, smoky shrimp and turkey bacon.

I can’t take credit for the recipe. This was actually my first time making grits and I had to reference some directions. Now that I know how easy it is to make at home, I think I might whip it up all the time.


I used this recipe for our little date, although I used turkey bacon instead of ham and made only enough for two servings instead of six. I highly recommend it! It’s a great brunch dish for those who would rather skip the waffle bar.